Togo is a paradoxical situation. Since 2008, the government gave free tuition and the state devotes efforts to promote education. Difficult to understand that education policy can succeed without books. Yet access to books is facilitated by the Florence Agreement..

It was here too often used to sign the agreements and does not apply when people are trained and deployed at the expense of the State for that. He’ll have free riders get to work quickly to the realization of the Florence Agreement… For the good of the Education and Culture in Togo.

Once a woman marries, she is already putting in a holy, beyond a casual sex. If the main cause of divorce was adultery of men, this infidelity of married women is the most shocking vector. The network of prostitution of women married is very large, but unobtrusive. Some of them live in acceptable conditions, and yet they sell their charms to the highest bidder.

Beautiful and seductive, B. Is the second wife of her husband, a businessman, a mother of three children. He stated that marriage is a protection for any woman, even for prostitutes. Worse, these women engage in prostitution daytime. That’s when we can all do before the return of our husbands. For clients, they generally know that we are married and feel obliged to respect us. Today, married women talk about their search for personal fulfillment. Marriage no longer seems to be an obstacle to extramarital relationships. The data seem to have changed, women no longer hesitate to call up their desire to please, they assume more and more of their desires and pleasures.

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