Until now, the law 96-04, which regulates the Senegalese press. State, journalists, technicians, media owners, lawyers, civil society and parliamentarians are now aware of the obsolescence of the text. It does not take into account all the concerns of journalists and news organizations generally..

Foot on top of one of the Breasts of Ouakam, the Monument of Renaissance feeds good milk of remembrance. A man, his wife and children reach out to posterity, feet firmly rooted in a history bearing the pain of their condition but is a wonderful opening to posterity, and a new world.

The General Delegation of the 3rd World Festival of Negro Arts is part of a dynamic decentralization of the event. To this end it has finalized Saturday labeling of some twenty festivals and cultural events taking place during this period.

Inscribed in the agenda of the 3rd World Festival of Negro Arts, Habib Koite and his band will perform in concert Bamada Dec. 16 in St. Louis.

The injectable contraceptive into the range of contraceptive products in Senegal. Unlike other products, the acquisition of contraceptive injection should be done only on prescription. Best, only doctors, nurses and midwives are authorized to administer to any woman or girl.

The Department of Health and organizations such as USAID, the firm Pfizer launched Wednesday, July 15, 2009, the contraceptive injection. The new product, beyond the diversification of product range of contraception in Senegal, just settle, in part, problems with product use. Since it will be bought by prescription and administered by a doctor, nurse or midwife.

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  2. Until now, the law 96-04, which regulates the Senegalese press
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