The supporting role of the father: paternity leave is seen as an important harmonizing work and family life for men as well as support for women. It represents an exceptional opportunity for fathers to raise their babies but also allows men to help women in the many necessary tasks they perform as mothers with newborns. The provisions for paternity leave are becoming increasingly popular and reflect the changing views on fatherhood. These shifts in relationships and in perceptions of parenting approaches may announce more respectful of the gender balance of care and unpaid work. The duration and remuneration of paternity leave vary. Yet not all fathers take paternity leave. Families may be concerned about the loss of income when the paternity leave is unpaid. Even when it is, some men fear that such leave hinder their careers because they could be perceived as not committed to their work. The stereotypes may object to the perception of the traditional role of caring and therefore also influence their decision. Photo: ILO / A. Mirza.

Governments play the leading role in improving health care systems of their countries and the growing awareness of social and economic implications of the health of mothers and children, including the possibility of ?employment of workers. Providing basic services is not only a question of national income and subsequent expenditure on care, but also a national priority and commitment. Few countries currently guarantees universal coverage of health, so many groups of women may be partially or completely unprotected. Photo: ILO / Crozet M.

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