For ten years, Iana Matei collects Romanian underage girls sold into prostitution in his association Reaching Out. Risking her life, she tells this odious traffic in a book punch, Sell, Mariana, 15, released today by Oh editions..

His rage. Words are sharper than razor blades, the scenes described often unsustainable. The Romanian steel to the precise nature of the outset: it terminated has nothing to do with the traditional prostitution. The girls she is talking about are forced and coerced to trade in their body, without this they earn a penny. Sex slaves, basically.

Locked up, tortured and raped, they are minor for most. And numerous: it is estimated that 300,000 nationals of Eastern European prostitutes in the West today. A highly lucrative trade that has developed in Romania in the year 1990 after the fall of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. Since then the population lives at the option of economic misery. The work is subject to no law, and employment only be unhooked by the piston. Traffickers have understood. They easily entice their prey by dangling a waitress, cook or help at home in a western country.

Just across the border, the hope gave way to horror. Once their passports confiscated, girls are taken to warehouses, without explanation. Henceforth, they are no longer treated as human beings, but as the cattle. The youngest are 12 years old. Installed on a dais in packs of 5 or 6, they are presented to buyers, who make choices and offer prices. They will pay 800

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