As part of the implementation of a plan to its merger with the actors for the implementation of micro credit program for the Poorest (MCPP) to the base, the Branch National Fund for Microfinance (FNM) has launched a national tour in the twelve (12) departments of our country..

This tour is in effect an annual event and routine for the FNM, held this year in an environment characterized by numerous attempts to destabilize and de demolition of the mechanism established in the implementation of micro credit program for the Poorest (MCPP). Hence the specificity of the messages brought to those responsible for departmental and municipal offices of the National Network of Beneficiaries of micro credit program for the Poorest (Renabie / mcpp) and operational staff responsible for placing and collecting funds.

To accompany members of bodies Renabie / mcpp in the mission they are performing and which, it must be said, is volunteer, we plan to establish discrimination in order to grant them a loan amount higher than that routinely grant recipients ordinary.

The operational program mcpp does not leave much scope for unpaid if properly followed. So we should not a priori consider the use of security forces. Such action is also contrary to the vision of President of the Republic who initiated this program. Of course, even when the provisions of good targeting is taken and the credits are placed in good business conditions, we can not be free of cases of antisocial behavior or vandalism as is already happening in some departments where operational officers are threatened and even beaten that would require the use of security forces. But we must absolutely minimize the use of force. However, we can assist you if necessary by means of force in cases of extreme gravity of crime.

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